A new method for an accurate and CPU time efficient three-dimensional simulation of ion implantation is suggested in this work. The method is based on a combination of the algorithmic capabilities of the analytical and Monte-Carlo simulation methods. The Monte-Carlo method was used to generate a three-dimensional point response distribution function for the given implantation conditions. Using the numerically generated point response and an efficient algorithm for 3D convolution a point response based interface between the Monte-Carlo and analytical simulation methods was established. The combined simulation approach is able to accurately account for the channeling effect which is especially strong in case of a normal implantation into crys...
Plasma immersion ion implantation from a BF3 plasma into crystalline (100) silicon was performed usi...
A new method for the acceleration of MD (molecular dynamics) simulation of ion implantation into cry...
has proved to be a very accurate tool for simulation of various implantation processes. In this pape...
The high accuracy which is necessary for modern process simulation often requires the use of Monte-C...
textA physically-based 3-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulator has been developed within UT-MARLOWE, whi...
In this paper, a new method for an accurate and time efficient 3D simulation of ion implantation and...
Three trajectory split methods [I] for the acceleration of two and three-dimen-sional Monte Carlo si...
Analytical methods for the description of ion implantation show good agreement with experiment and M...
A numerically efficient model for the simulation of ion implantation doping profiles in silicon afte...
Ion implantation is the most important doping technique for VLSI circuits. In this contribution, mod...
A new sofware tool was developed which allows a simulation of two-dimensional ion implantation profi...
With shrinking dimensions and growing complexity of advanced ULSI devices three-dimensional effects ...
A novel splitting algorithm called MC-AIPA is proposed for MC (Monte Carlo) ion implantation simulat...
Two methods are described for improving the results of a Monte Carlo technique used to simulate the ...
We have developed a reliable and efficient molecular dynamics program LEACS to simulate the low ener...
Plasma immersion ion implantation from a BF3 plasma into crystalline (100) silicon was performed usi...
A new method for the acceleration of MD (molecular dynamics) simulation of ion implantation into cry...
has proved to be a very accurate tool for simulation of various implantation processes. In this pape...
The high accuracy which is necessary for modern process simulation often requires the use of Monte-C...
textA physically-based 3-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulator has been developed within UT-MARLOWE, whi...
In this paper, a new method for an accurate and time efficient 3D simulation of ion implantation and...
Three trajectory split methods [I] for the acceleration of two and three-dimen-sional Monte Carlo si...
Analytical methods for the description of ion implantation show good agreement with experiment and M...
A numerically efficient model for the simulation of ion implantation doping profiles in silicon afte...
Ion implantation is the most important doping technique for VLSI circuits. In this contribution, mod...
A new sofware tool was developed which allows a simulation of two-dimensional ion implantation profi...
With shrinking dimensions and growing complexity of advanced ULSI devices three-dimensional effects ...
A novel splitting algorithm called MC-AIPA is proposed for MC (Monte Carlo) ion implantation simulat...
Two methods are described for improving the results of a Monte Carlo technique used to simulate the ...
We have developed a reliable and efficient molecular dynamics program LEACS to simulate the low ener...
Plasma immersion ion implantation from a BF3 plasma into crystalline (100) silicon was performed usi...
A new method for the acceleration of MD (molecular dynamics) simulation of ion implantation into cry...
has proved to be a very accurate tool for simulation of various implantation processes. In this pape...