Magistrsko delo obravnava angleške izraze in besedne zveze iz romana Broken Homes pisatelja Bena Aaronovitcha in preučuje njihov prevodni potencial ter načelne možnosti, ki bi jih imel prevajalec pri prevajanju v slovenščino na voljoroman v slovenščino namreč še ni preveden. Zgodba vsebuje veliko kulturnih in jezikovnih elementov, kot so drugi tuji jeziki, sleng, žargon in aluzije, ki jih obravnava ta magistrska naloga. Ti slogovni elementi lahko za prevajalca predstavljajo velik izziv in jih je zato smiselno analizirati še pred začetkom procesa prevajanja. Empirični del naloge temelji na predlogih prevodnih rešitev za izbrane dele besedila ob uporabi dveh ali več prevajalskih strategij ter na njihovi primerjavi, kadar obstaja več prevodnih...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
The article examines lexical choices preferred by a noted Slovene translator of dramatic texts. It i...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
Magistrsko delo obravnava angleške izraze in besedne zveze iz romana Broken Homes pisatelja Bena Aar...
Povzetek: Če je izvirno besedilo upoštevano kot razpoznavno znamenje določenega miselnega modela, te...
U radu ćemo analizirati prijevod romana Potaknjenci, slovenske spisateljice Maje Gal Štromar. Temelj...
U radu ćemo analizirati prijevod romana Potaknjenci, slovenske spisateljice Maje Gal Štromar. Temelj...
U radu ćemo analizirati prijevod romana Potaknjenci, slovenske spisateljice Maje Gal Štromar. Temelj...
Napetost med označenim in označujočim, ki je značilna tako za posamezne znake kot za znakovne verige...
V magistrski nalogi smo na podlagi prevajalskih strategij podomačitev primerjalno analizirali prevod...
Prevajanje književnih del je zapleten proces, pri katerem je treba upoštevati veliko značilnosti jez...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
Literary translation is the most important form of intercultural communication. The translator is co...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
The article examines lexical choices preferred by a noted Slovene translator of dramatic texts. It i...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
Magistrsko delo obravnava angleške izraze in besedne zveze iz romana Broken Homes pisatelja Bena Aar...
Povzetek: Če je izvirno besedilo upoštevano kot razpoznavno znamenje določenega miselnega modela, te...
U radu ćemo analizirati prijevod romana Potaknjenci, slovenske spisateljice Maje Gal Štromar. Temelj...
U radu ćemo analizirati prijevod romana Potaknjenci, slovenske spisateljice Maje Gal Štromar. Temelj...
U radu ćemo analizirati prijevod romana Potaknjenci, slovenske spisateljice Maje Gal Štromar. Temelj...
Napetost med označenim in označujočim, ki je značilna tako za posamezne znake kot za znakovne verige...
V magistrski nalogi smo na podlagi prevajalskih strategij podomačitev primerjalno analizirali prevod...
Prevajanje književnih del je zapleten proces, pri katerem je treba upoštevati veliko značilnosti jez...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
Literary translation is the most important form of intercultural communication. The translator is co...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...
The article examines lexical choices preferred by a noted Slovene translator of dramatic texts. It i...
This thesis comprises five translations with commentary. Excerpts from three books were translated f...