The source-gated transistor (SGT) is a new type of transistor in which the current is controlled by a potential barrier at the source and by a gate which modulates the effective height of the source barrier. It is an ideal device architecture to be used with the low mobility materials typically applied to large area electronics, as it provides low saturation voltages and high output impedances. Furthermore, the high internal fields and low concentration of excess carriers lead to higher speed and better stability compared with FETs, particularly in disordered, low mobility semiconductors. As such, the SGT is especially well suited to thin-film analog circuits
A physical description of low-field behavior of a Schottky source-gated transistor (SGT) is outlined...
We describe the physics of the turn-off mechanism in source-gated transistors (SGTs), which is disti...
This thesis is concerned with new devices named Source-Gated Transistors (SGT) prepared in hydrogena...
A new form of thin film transistor named the source-gated transistor (SGT) is described. The current...
The performance benefits of using source-gated transistors (SGTs) in analog large-area electronic ci...
Self-aligned Schottky-source source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The stru...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) comprise a blocking contact or potential barrier at the source, whic...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in thin layers of polysilicon formed by excimer laser...
This paper describes some of the performance characteristics of self-aligned polysilicon Schottky So...
Thin-film, self-aligned source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The very high...
In conventional organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), the low mobility of carriers in the organi...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have potentially very high output impedance and low saturation volta...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) are three-terminal devices in which the current is controlled by a p...
Emissive displays require high-efficiency linear drivers which are stable under electrical stress an...
© The Electrochemical Society.Source-gated thin-film transistors (SGTs) have remarkable properties r...
A physical description of low-field behavior of a Schottky source-gated transistor (SGT) is outlined...
We describe the physics of the turn-off mechanism in source-gated transistors (SGTs), which is disti...
This thesis is concerned with new devices named Source-Gated Transistors (SGT) prepared in hydrogena...
A new form of thin film transistor named the source-gated transistor (SGT) is described. The current...
The performance benefits of using source-gated transistors (SGTs) in analog large-area electronic ci...
Self-aligned Schottky-source source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The stru...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) comprise a blocking contact or potential barrier at the source, whic...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in thin layers of polysilicon formed by excimer laser...
This paper describes some of the performance characteristics of self-aligned polysilicon Schottky So...
Thin-film, self-aligned source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The very high...
In conventional organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), the low mobility of carriers in the organi...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have potentially very high output impedance and low saturation volta...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) are three-terminal devices in which the current is controlled by a p...
Emissive displays require high-efficiency linear drivers which are stable under electrical stress an...
© The Electrochemical Society.Source-gated thin-film transistors (SGTs) have remarkable properties r...
A physical description of low-field behavior of a Schottky source-gated transistor (SGT) is outlined...
We describe the physics of the turn-off mechanism in source-gated transistors (SGTs), which is disti...
This thesis is concerned with new devices named Source-Gated Transistors (SGT) prepared in hydrogena...