Thin-film, self-aligned source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The very high output impedance of this type of transistor makes it suited to analog circuits. Intrinsic voltage gains of greater than one thousand have been measured at particular drain voltages. The drain voltage dependence of the gain is explained based on the device physics of the source-gated transistor and the fact that pinch-off occurs at both the source and the drain. The results obtained from these devices, which are far from optimal, suggest that, with proper design, the source-gated transistor is well suited to a wide range of analog applications
A physical description of low-field behavior of a Schottky source-gated transistor (SGT) is outlined...
We describe the physics of the turn-off mechanism in source-gated transistors (SGTs), which is disti...
Silicon-based digital electronics have evolved over decades through an aggressive scaling process fo...
Thin-film, self-aligned source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The very high...
Self-aligned Schottky-source source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The stru...
This paper describes some of the performance characteristics of self-aligned polysilicon Schottky So...
The performance benefits of using source-gated transistors (SGTs) in analog large-area electronic ci...
The source-gated transistor (SGT) is a new type of transistor in which the current is controlled by ...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in thin layers of polysilicon formed by excimer laser...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have potentially very high output impedance and low saturation volta...
A new form of thin film transistor named the source-gated transistor (SGT) is described. The current...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) comprise a blocking contact or potential barrier at the source, whic...
Through their high gain and low saturation voltage, source-gated transistors (SGTs) have application...
Through their high gain and low saturation voltage, source-gated transistors (SGTs) have application...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) are three-terminal devices in which the current is controlled by a p...
A physical description of low-field behavior of a Schottky source-gated transistor (SGT) is outlined...
We describe the physics of the turn-off mechanism in source-gated transistors (SGTs), which is disti...
Silicon-based digital electronics have evolved over decades through an aggressive scaling process fo...
Thin-film, self-aligned source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The very high...
Self-aligned Schottky-source source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in polysilicon. The stru...
This paper describes some of the performance characteristics of self-aligned polysilicon Schottky So...
The performance benefits of using source-gated transistors (SGTs) in analog large-area electronic ci...
The source-gated transistor (SGT) is a new type of transistor in which the current is controlled by ...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have been made in thin layers of polysilicon formed by excimer laser...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have potentially very high output impedance and low saturation volta...
A new form of thin film transistor named the source-gated transistor (SGT) is described. The current...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) comprise a blocking contact or potential barrier at the source, whic...
Through their high gain and low saturation voltage, source-gated transistors (SGTs) have application...
Through their high gain and low saturation voltage, source-gated transistors (SGTs) have application...
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) are three-terminal devices in which the current is controlled by a p...
A physical description of low-field behavior of a Schottky source-gated transistor (SGT) is outlined...
We describe the physics of the turn-off mechanism in source-gated transistors (SGTs), which is disti...
Silicon-based digital electronics have evolved over decades through an aggressive scaling process fo...