MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL, 1502. 1503# 1504. 1505. 1506. 1507. 4 May 1935 10:00 A*M. PRESENT President Watson, Messrs. McClenahan, Oleland, Salt, Yandersall, Dr. l&tson opened the meeting with prayer. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Mar. 23,1955, were approved. Dr. Watson was asked to write a letter to Mr. Gibbons setting forth the oondltlons of his oontraot as approved In minute #1496. SUBURBAN PROPERTY The minutes of the meeting of November 13,1934, were approved. They Include a statement of policy regarding purchase and sale of farm lands adjacent to a proposed highway to the left of the property; also a statement of the situation regarding sale of part of the city site; as well as several routine Items. PROPERTY COMMITTEE The minutes...