MINUTES OP A MEETING OP THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO, HELD ON MARCH Mist. 1925. 510. OR GANIZATION. The Council of the American University at Cairo met on March zlst, 1925, with Dr. Watson presiding. The following members were present:- Messrs# Cleland, McQuiston, Jeffery & Galt. Mr. Galt led in prayer. 511. Minutes • The Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected and approved. 51;d. REPORT OF HOSTEL COMMITTEE. Dr. Watson reported that the Hostel Committee had shaped up the rules for the observance of Ramadan. 513. DOUGLAS Morn? oh MEMORIAL LIBRARY. Council approved the formal agreement bet?*een the Church Missionary Society and the American University at Cairo with reference to the Douglas Thornton Memorial Library...