0x h'l« 2574 - 2575 - 2576 - 2577 - 2578 - 2579 - ,\0 Minutes of the Meeting of Council \ December £* 1944 Present? Dr* Watson, “residing, Messrs. Calverley, Howard, Boktor, Conn, Smith and Cl*land. Dr* Batson opened the meeting with prayer. ihe Minutes of the mating of Kov. 18 were approved as typed. bales of Property? Uhe report of Mr. Clel&nd (attached) was read and action postponed until:the next meeting of the Council. Dr. Watson reported that Mtr© Meraby Pasha had Indicated that the Maadl contract form for sale of land laid no burdens or objections upon the seller but only on the purchaser and that the University need have no fears on this score* However this still left the seller with a continuing responsibility for seeing that the p...