33k2 33k3 PRESENT: U C-|0a MINUTES OP COUNCIL March 1, 1952 10:00 a.m Dr. Badeau, presiding; Messrs. Beck, Boktor, Conn, Gardner, Naamani and Vandersall. Dr. Badeau opened the meeting with prayer. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of February 16, 1952 - #3336 to 334-1 - were approved. 33V{ ” FACULTY OF EDUCATION: The President presented plans for carrying on the program of the Faculty of Education during Dr. Boktor*s regular furlough next year. It is proposed that the teaching be covered by securing a visiting professor in Education on a basis of exchange with Dr. Boktor. New York University is interested in such an arrangement, and two professors of its School of Education are interested in coming to Cairo on an exchange arrangement. To ...