MINUTES OP COUNCIL January 31, 1951 ip:l5 p.m. LtC ‘lo CL_________ UNIVERSITY archives A. U- C. LIBH A-'hV 3200 - PRESENT: Dr, Badeau, presiding; Messrs. Boktor, Conn, Howard, Schoonover and Vandersall. Dr. Badeau opened the meeting with prayer. 3201 - AL AHRAM ARTICLE; Dr. Badeau gave a resume of an article appear- ing in the January 31, 1951 issue of the ”A1 AhramH newspaper, concerning a policy of the Ministry of Education, and statements alleged to have been made by the Minister of Education, Dr. Taha Hussein Pasha. There was a full discussion of this matter, with the result that Dr. Badeau was authorized to send a statement to the Editor of nAl Ahram” saying that the portion of the article concerning the American University was false; ...