Wednesday 1:00 PM THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES May 10, 19,89 AT&T Headquarters Present: Mr. Hedlund (Chairman), Mr. Crary, Mr. Harbert, Mr. Hight, Mr. Hinds, Mr. Hyde, Dr. Pedersen. Also Attending: Mrs. Bennett, Mrs . Desforges, Dr. Lamont, Mr . Lipscomb, Dr. Pelowski, Mr. Schieren, Dr . Toepfer. 1. The agenda was approved. 2 . The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 3. Dormitory Capital Fund . Dr. Pelowski stated that the proposal to the Kresge Foundation for a $500,000 challenge grant had been submitted and that the University was awaiting the Foundation's decision. In the meantime, it would be helpful to raise at least another $100 - 200,000 in addition to the $850,000 anticipate...