May 10, 1989 AT & T Building MINUTES CAMPUS PLANNING COMMITTEE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO Wednesday 11:00 a.m. Attending: Mr. Bacon, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Crary, Mr. Eilts, Mr. Harbert (Chairman), Mr. Hyde, Dr. Lamont, Dr. Pedersen, Mrs. Thorne, Dr. Toepfer Also present: Mrs. Desforges, Dr. Pelowski, Ms. Rasmussen, Mr. Schieren Reporting: Ms. Blakemore 1. Agenda The agenda was adopted. 2. Minutes The minutes of the March 1989 meeting were approved. 3. Progress Report on Dormitory Project Vice President Toepfer reported that the political/legal problems with neighbors of the site are slowly being resolved. A court hearing is scheduled for May 27 and the contractor, in exchange for a 45-day contract extension, has agreed...