r • • Wednesday 10:00 A .. M. ADULT EDUCATION COHHITTEE October 30, 1985 River Club ATTENDING: Mrs. Sage (Acting Chair), Mrs. Van Vleck, Mrs. Bartlett, Dr. Eilts, Dr. Pederson, Ms. Blakemore, Mrs. Davidson 1. The agenda was approved. 2. The minutes of the March 13, 1985, meeting were approved as presented. 3. Report on operations: a. DPS: Dr. Ralph Nelson's report of September 30, 1985, was presented by Dr. Pederson. i. The Center for Adult & Continuing Education has opened a new branch in Heliopolis which began full operation in September with 1250 DPS students and one CIT class. ii. A two-year Intermediate Diploma program in "Computer and Programming" is being offered by the Computer Education Program . iii. New courses are being offered...