e t financin , acco untin:, public relations, and the su ery s on of t e of er o cers o a min stra ion both n Cairo an else. eī~e o _ He shall submit from time to time for action by the Board . fans of internal admin s tra.t, ve oroa-nization and mana ement, statements of pr:Lnc 'p es and proce.dures and the 1 ke haven do wit a aasspects of'niversity operations o L2o POWERS The President of the University shall have charge of the educational administration of the Uni-versity. His concurrence shall be necessary to every act of the Council unless, after his non-concurrence, the act or resolution shall again be passed by a vote of two-thirds of the entire body at the same or the next succeeding meeting thereof, in which case the final decision...