ThG American University at :airo 889 ORGANIZATION MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH AN:JUAL MEETING THE MAU OF TRUSTFES New Ylk. City 28 Fgbru_au_959 (Soo attached Agenda) The Fortieth Annual Meting of the Board of Trustees of the American University at Cairo was held on February 28, 1959, at the Gramercy Park Hotal, Now York City, The first session was called to order at 10 aom, by Dro Hortoil, Chalrnan, The death of to honorary ttustees since the last meeting of the Board was announced and the following review c~.® their service to the University recorded, Rober J. Dodds, S;.,, who died in August 1956 Mr Dodd ia9-;Teci:ed to the Board of Trustees in 1920 and served as an active trustee until November 1954 when ne feit it necessary to rssign because...