1 PR & PP - Page 10 -- Series of brochures, each on a singlC aspectof the Univer-sity program, for example: Extension Program SOS Program Little Theater and Drama Programs Story of Hill House Residents Journalism Program Self-study Program SRC P,ogrnm AUC Relief. Program - The University and the Crisis "For. eign" Stuc':ents at AUC, The Story of The Bo-rd of Trustees AUG and Tourists AUC and C r.iro Cultural Life Eduction Program .gin.? Educational Rosearch Bayard Dodge FA & S an' the Libcra.l Arts in Egypptt The Library The Cresswell Library The Museum of Folk Arts and Crafts Junior Year in Egypt Typical Students Typical Alumni SUMMARY OF THE KEY PRINCIPLES OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS INP PROMOTION PROGRAM 1. Increasing, Understanding in Ameri...