115 Recommendations for approval by the Bye rd Finance Committee - 3 1. THAT the audit of the Treasurer's accounts for 1948-49 by Barrow, Wade, Guthrie and Company, certified public ac-countants of Philadelphia, be approved and filed, with down-ward adjustment in cost, if possible. 2. THAT the report of the Bursar for 1948-49 which has been properly audited by Price, Waterhouse, Peat and Co., certified public accountants of Cairo, Egypt, be approved and filed. 3. THAT Barrow, Wade, Guthrie and Company, certified publio ac-countants of Philadelphia, or a suitable alternate, be ap-pointed to audit the Treasurer's a000unts for 1949-50. 4. THAT Price, Waterhouse, Peat and Company, certified public accountants of Cairo, Egypt, be appointed to au...