REF03T OF TIE PIïTArCE COI:iJITTEE 1947-48 Your Finance Committee presents herewith statements showing: 1. The Combined Budget for 1948-49 2. The 1948-49 Budget in America 3. The Investment Account for Building Funds, as at June 15 and November 8, 1948 4. Analysis of Assets in the Endowment Funds as at June 15 and November 8, 1948 During the year 1948 the Committee met on February 24, March 18, June 29, and September 29. The Sub-committee on Investments met frequently as occasion required. There were no meetings of the Sub-committeeson Fund Raising and Buildings Fund. In September, an interim Sub-committee on Buildings and Grounds was appointed with Mr. Harrison Garrett as Chairman, to function until the election of the Standing Committee o...