224 Finano e Com.-2 13. Reports from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds were received and recommendations from that Committee to the Board were approved. 14. As of June 15, 1950, loans at the Union National Bank of Pittsburgh for the current account totaled $225,000 - w99,500 at 2% interest and $85,500 at 2Z per annum. On June b , 1951., this amount stands at $185,000. As of August 1st the interest was increased to 21% on the indebtedness se-oured by Government bonds and 3% on the indebtedness secured by stook col-lateral. Overdrafts at Barclays Bank, Cairo, as of June 50, 1951, amount-ed to L.E.24,142. Interest on loans in Egypt amounted to L.E.857.60 for the financial year 1950-51. It was suggested that loans in America be paid off wh...