• 178 REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE 1949-50 MDetings were held on January 30, February 20, Maroh 21, April 13, May October 23, 1950. 10, and Salaries for three-year instructors. The Committee gave repeated consideration fo the question of salary for the short-term teachers who had requested in- creases due to devaluation. The matter was referred to Mr. Craig who, fortu-nately, was in Cairo early in March and reached agreement with Dr. Badeau that these teachers should receive, in addition to travel, room and board, the following; For the current year, as from October 1, 1949, L.E.300 for the first year of service, L.E.333.333 for the second year of service, and L.E .366.666 for the third year of service; and no bonus for high cost of liv-ing....