REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE 1918-49 Meetings were held on January 5, March 15, July 7 and November 11 and 22, 1949. Two legacies received during the year wore reported. One was a payment by Mrs. Dluon p of Mason City, Iowa, upon settlement of the estate of her sister, Miss Gertrude M. Decker, who had named A.U.C. in her will but whose b o quest had not been paid in full because the will had been contested. The gift of $2500 from Mrs. Dunlop was applied to the current budget. A be-quest of $5000 was received from the estate of Henry C. Wallace and was also applied to the current budget, but it was noted that, as soon as the Committee is able to do so, it would like to have this amount put into the endowment fund. Three loans for current expe...