1 i 113 5. THAT the expenses of the trip to Egypt of Mr. J. Fredrick Larson, our archi-tect, be taken from the Buildings Campaign Account. 6. THAT the salary of Mr. Shumaker of $4000 per year from November 28, 1945 be charged to the Philadelphia Account and/or the Buildings Campaign Fund ac-cording as to which is served. 7. THAT the President's allowance in Egypt be $2500 - $1500 for entertainment to be accounted for in itemized memoranda of expenditures, and $1,000 on which no specific report be made. The allowance will begin in 1945-46 for the exper-imental period of one year after which further action may be taken. THAT the Secretary be granted permission to raise a fund outside the budget for the University entertainment equipment such ...