THAT Dr. Robert S. 1,v1cClerehan be continued in his present position as Dean of the School of Oriental Studies for the year 1938--39. THAT the Council mei.ibersh: p for 1937-38 consisting of C.P. Watson, chairman, R.S. YlcClenahan, rd. W. Cleland, Amir Buktor, J. S. L'adeau, H. T. Vandersall, Secretary; and Harlan D. Conn as a consultative member; and its com uittee organization as outlined in Council Minute #1712 be approved. THAT three Trustee scholarships be assigned to the Department of Education to be used for deserving students in accordance with the rules laid down by the Council in Lgypt. THAT the Trustees authorize the President to confer degrees in 1938 on students who have been duly recommended by the raculties and approved by t...