I 9 1936-39: (1) Task of filling in frontage depression. (2) Harmonizing city street planning with our plans. (3) Clearing titles to two plots within our area. (4) Formulating plans for layout of proposed College grounds. (5) Planting trees where driveways are plotted. (6) Shifting the tenants' and workers' village to unused site. (7) Explore possibilities of sale of land not needed. 1939-40: (1) Erect Dormitory with maximum capacity for 50 boys, and 5 short term teachers, with accommodations for bed and board. (2) Provide Driveways and Athletic Fields. (3) Erect one Permanent Man's Residence. 1940-41: (1) Transfer all residential students to suburban land. (2) Build up a strong athletic program at suburban site. (3) Erect two more Permanen...