Genre: Myth. Title: Da'u ene (Six people). Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells a fairy tale about six children who fool their parents by the sea. They disappear, and became the star sign 'wunu', a six-star constellation. Recorded by SD with the AT2020 mic 2 February 2015 in the hime of Bapak Oui and Mama Yuli. With Maria Methi and others.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre: Myth/folk tale (incest taboo). Title: Noni Kare. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in hi...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...
Genre: Myth. Title: Dau bitu (Seven persons). Seven persons, seven stars, feast on grilled pigs for ...
Genre: Myth. Title: Punga Hari (a grandmother, or great grandmother) tells the myth Wunu and Noa. Wu...
Genre: Myth. Title: Nangge Liru (Nangge Heavens). Lengu Nande (1916-2017) tells Nangge Liru, a myth ...
Genre: Ancestor myth. Title: Lengu Nande (b. c. 1916) tells an ancestor myth; Kuni no'o Laja (Placen...
Genre: Fairy tale/ancestor myth. Title: Bai Lera. Kanda Sera (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale, about...
Genre: Legend. Title: Dubu da'u walu (Altar eight men, or Pio pikariwu). Lengu Nandene tells the sto...
Genre: Myth. Title: Dhana mere (The earth was dark). Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his h...
Genre: Fairy tale/myth. Title: Lenu Lena. Lengu Nandene tells Lenu Lena, a tale that comes in severa...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Myth (incest taboo). Title: Watu Noni (Noni Kare). Noni Kare is a very well known...
Genre: Tale/myth. Title: Diji. Ngole Dhokane, a grandmother from Kampong Ndeo, tells the well-known ...
Genre: Legend. Title: Ngange Kabe (Cawa Lai). The legend Ngange Kabe narrated by Bapak (Mr) Aloysius...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre: Myth/folk tale (incest taboo). Title: Noni Kare. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in hi...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...
Genre: Myth. Title: Dau bitu (Seven persons). Seven persons, seven stars, feast on grilled pigs for ...
Genre: Myth. Title: Punga Hari (a grandmother, or great grandmother) tells the myth Wunu and Noa. Wu...
Genre: Myth. Title: Nangge Liru (Nangge Heavens). Lengu Nande (1916-2017) tells Nangge Liru, a myth ...
Genre: Ancestor myth. Title: Lengu Nande (b. c. 1916) tells an ancestor myth; Kuni no'o Laja (Placen...
Genre: Fairy tale/ancestor myth. Title: Bai Lera. Kanda Sera (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale, about...
Genre: Legend. Title: Dubu da'u walu (Altar eight men, or Pio pikariwu). Lengu Nandene tells the sto...
Genre: Myth. Title: Dhana mere (The earth was dark). Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his h...
Genre: Fairy tale/myth. Title: Lenu Lena. Lengu Nandene tells Lenu Lena, a tale that comes in severa...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Myth (incest taboo). Title: Watu Noni (Noni Kare). Noni Kare is a very well known...
Genre: Tale/myth. Title: Diji. Ngole Dhokane, a grandmother from Kampong Ndeo, tells the well-known ...
Genre: Legend. Title: Ngange Kabe (Cawa Lai). The legend Ngange Kabe narrated by Bapak (Mr) Aloysius...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre: Myth/folk tale (incest taboo). Title: Noni Kare. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in hi...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...