Genre: Myth. Title: Dhana mere (The earth was dark). Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in the early afternoon 28 Jan 2015 in Hobo, located above Maluriwu, by SD using an AT2022 mic. Present were also Ebbe (Pidu), Din (Captain), Lucia Nona, Pajo Popo. Unfortuneately Tole's voice is rather unclear, difficult to transcribe, takes lots of time, so all his stories are not completely transcribed yet. I had to cough during the recording, heard in one of the tales. There is also a creaking door, chatter and some other coughing. This third tale is mythological. The island came floating from the West. There was nothing there, just a few people and it was dark all the time, until someone figured out how to make the sky clear. The tit...