Emission spectrum of narrow lines in vicinity to the exciton absorption spectrum. Some of these emission lines are attributed to the existence of a metastable state, others to the emission with simultaneous creation of transverse and longitudinal phonons. It is suggested that the formation of exciton complexes is responsable of a third group of lines.Spectre d'émission de raies fines au voisinage du spectre d'absorption excitonique. Certaines raies d'émission seraient dues à l'existence d'un état métastable, d'autres à une émission avec création de phonons transversaux et longitudinaux. On suggère que la formation de complexes excitoniques est à l'origine d'un troisième groupe de raies
We investigate excitonic polaron states comprising a local exciton and phonons in the longitudinal o...
A general theory of excitons is formulated from point of view of the group theory. The particular ca...
Absorption and reflection of CuBr have been studied at low temperature. The interpretation of the sp...
Emission spectrum of narrow lines in vicinity to the exciton absorption spectrum. Some of these emis...
The luminescence of CuCl crystals has been excited by a laser light of very high intensity at low te...
An account is given on the résults obtained in the author's laboratory on the absorption spectra of ...
On étudie le processus de création directe de molécules excitoniques dans CuCl. La transition s'effe...
Nous avons comparé le spectre de photoconductivité de CuCl au spectre d'absorption à 4 °K. Les struc...
The experimental evidence in favour of the interpretation of the yellow and green series of Cu2O as ...
La position spectrale des raies de luminescence de CuCl, leur durée de vie et leur intensité ont été...
Absorption spectra at 4 °K of thin layers of CuCl having important monocrystalline domains. New deta...
Nous avons étudié la luminescence des gaz rares solides excités par bombardement électronique. La pa...
The exciton, which is a pseudo-atom consisting of an electron and a positive hole interacting into a...
We study the temperature-dependent dephasing rate of excitons in chains of chromophores, accounting ...
We study the temperature-dependent dephasing rate of excitons in chains of chromophores, accounting ...
We investigate excitonic polaron states comprising a local exciton and phonons in the longitudinal o...
A general theory of excitons is formulated from point of view of the group theory. The particular ca...
Absorption and reflection of CuBr have been studied at low temperature. The interpretation of the sp...
Emission spectrum of narrow lines in vicinity to the exciton absorption spectrum. Some of these emis...
The luminescence of CuCl crystals has been excited by a laser light of very high intensity at low te...
An account is given on the résults obtained in the author's laboratory on the absorption spectra of ...
On étudie le processus de création directe de molécules excitoniques dans CuCl. La transition s'effe...
Nous avons comparé le spectre de photoconductivité de CuCl au spectre d'absorption à 4 °K. Les struc...
The experimental evidence in favour of the interpretation of the yellow and green series of Cu2O as ...
La position spectrale des raies de luminescence de CuCl, leur durée de vie et leur intensité ont été...
Absorption spectra at 4 °K of thin layers of CuCl having important monocrystalline domains. New deta...
Nous avons étudié la luminescence des gaz rares solides excités par bombardement électronique. La pa...
The exciton, which is a pseudo-atom consisting of an electron and a positive hole interacting into a...
We study the temperature-dependent dephasing rate of excitons in chains of chromophores, accounting ...
We study the temperature-dependent dephasing rate of excitons in chains of chromophores, accounting ...
We investigate excitonic polaron states comprising a local exciton and phonons in the longitudinal o...
A general theory of excitons is formulated from point of view of the group theory. The particular ca...
Absorption and reflection of CuBr have been studied at low temperature. The interpretation of the sp...