An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.MAGRATH NEWS Published Weekly since 1932 by The Magrath Trading Company 30 cents Wednesday April 24, 1996 ! ¡GOOD FOOD! ! ! ¡GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!! SCHOOL BAND FUNDRAISER!! SPAGHETTI SUPPER *(new & incredible sauce) (salad, breadsticks & dessert) MONDAY APRIL 29, 1996 6 P.M. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM $3.50/person $20.00/family (under 3 is free) *Program by Gr. 6-12 Band Students. ****** APRIL IS CANCER MONTH The Canadian Cancer Society volunteers will be conduction their annual door to door canvass during April. We urge you to give them the support that this community has always shown. Coor...