An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.THE MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. STORE NEWS STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm, WEDNESDAY: 8 am. to 1 pm. SATURDAY: 8 am, to 7 pm. TELEPHONES: Office 21; Dry Goods Dpet. 124; Groceries 4; Hardware Dept, 34* MAGRATH, ALBERTA.......................................................................................................... FRIDAY, Jan. 8, 1954. :©:© :©:©:® :@:©:@:@:@:@ :@ :©:©:©:© :@ :©:©:© :©:© :©:©:©:©:©:©: med turn and large* .1 '5 SOYS LONG; CURLING TAMS DE SURE AND VISIT OUR TABLES OF SALES. VALUES GALORE TO START THE NEW YEAR, plaid rurling tarns adorned with miniature broom design....