An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.PHON.LS-OFFICE 21-HARDWARG 34-DRY GOODS 124 Groceries 4 Friday May 20th./55 Stanfields Underwear SUMMER WEIGHT — SHORT SLEEVES - ANKLE LENGTH SHORT SLEEVES - KNEE LENGTH EACH...................... §2,75 Caldwell Sweaters WE HAVE TWO CALDWELL SWEATERS. COAT STYLE. 1 BLUE AND 1 CHARCOAL. REGULAR PRICE §10.95 & §12.95 10 % OFF. We sell 'Watson Gloves. The wear is there. RUBBERIZED GAUNTLET GLOVES.............................§1.45 NYLON WORK SOCKS. Summer weight..§1.00 COTTON WORK SOCKS.............................................69tf STANFIELDS RAYON UNDER SHIRTS............ §1.39 STA...