Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a leaflet in Iaşi, 24 February 1822. Language: Greek The excerpts text used are from: Apostolos Daskalakis, Kείµενα-πηγαί τῆς ἱστορίας τῆς ἑλληνικῆς ἐπαναστάσεως (Αθήνα: 1966), pp. 141–144. About the author Alexandros Ypsilantis [1792, Bucharest – 1828, St. Petersburg]: military leader. He was the offspring of one of the most distinguished Phanariot families. His grandfather Alexandros and his fa..
Title: Λόγος κατά τα εγκαίνια των έργων του Σελινούντος Αιγιαλείας (Speech on the occasion of the in...
Title: ‘O σoσιαλιστικός ὀργασμός δύo δεκαετιῶν (The socialist frenzy of two decades) Original publis...
Errata on last leaf.Signatures: *⁸ **⁴ A-K⁸.Caption title: Georgiou [sic] Gemistou tou kai Plēthōn...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: Λαμπριάτικος Ψάλτης (Easter chanter) Originally published: newspaper ’Aκρόπολις, 1893 Languag...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
Title: Tó Δημoкρατιкó μαvιφέoτo (The republican manifesto) Originally published: in the newspapers ’...
Title: Ὕµνος εἰς τὴν Ἐλευθερίαν (Hymn to Liberty) Originally published: In the appendix to the secon...
Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks)...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...
Title: Τῆς Μεγάλης αυτής Ἰδέας (Of this Great Idea) Originally published: Ιt was published in Ἠ τῆς ...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: Hunnia Originally published: Originally written in 1835, first published by János Török and p...
The transcription of the text is diplomatic. The title is probably in red ink. The initial name in a...
Title: Λόγος κατά τα εγκαίνια των έργων του Σελινούντος Αιγιαλείας (Speech on the occasion of the in...
Title: ‘O σoσιαλιστικός ὀργασμός δύo δεκαετιῶν (The socialist frenzy of two decades) Original publis...
Errata on last leaf.Signatures: *⁸ **⁴ A-K⁸.Caption title: Georgiou [sic] Gemistou tou kai Plēthōn...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: Λαμπριάτικος Ψάλτης (Easter chanter) Originally published: newspaper ’Aκρόπολις, 1893 Languag...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
Title: Tó Δημoкρατιкó μαvιφέoτo (The republican manifesto) Originally published: in the newspapers ’...
Title: Ὕµνος εἰς τὴν Ἐλευθερίαν (Hymn to Liberty) Originally published: In the appendix to the secon...
Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks)...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...
Title: Τῆς Μεγάλης αυτής Ἰδέας (Of this Great Idea) Originally published: Ιt was published in Ἠ τῆς ...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: Hunnia Originally published: Originally written in 1835, first published by János Török and p...
The transcription of the text is diplomatic. The title is probably in red ink. The initial name in a...
Title: Λόγος κατά τα εγκαίνια των έργων του Σελινούντος Αιγιαλείας (Speech on the occasion of the in...
Title: ‘O σoσιαλιστικός ὀργασμός δύo δεκαετιῶν (The socialist frenzy of two decades) Original publis...
Errata on last leaf.Signatures: *⁸ **⁴ A-K⁸.Caption title: Georgiou [sic] Gemistou tou kai Plēthōn...