Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks) Originally published: in Τόμος Α’ (vol. I), ‘Νεοελληνική Μυθολογία’ of the four-volume Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Athens: τύποις Σαραντάκος Οἰκονόμου, 1871). Language: Greek The excerpts used are from the original, Preface, pp. α’- γ.’ About the author Nikolaos Politis [1852, Kalamata..
The article presents the biography, writings and library of Antonio Malaspina, a Phokaian of Genoese...
Title: Към философията на българската история. Византинизмът в средновековна България (Towards the p...
ISBN 978-609-467-290-3 (internetinis). Recenzentai: dr. N. Maliukevičius (VU); dr. R. Matkevičienė (...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
This is a self-archived version of the author manuscript (post peer review). English title: Manuel ...
Tl1is work is an attempt to determine, in some preliminary fe,-shion at least, the extent to which A...
Title: Τῆς Μεγάλης αυτής Ἰδέας (Of this Great Idea) Originally published: Ιt was published in Ἠ τῆς ...
Title: Жива cтарина (Living antiquity) Originally published: Rousse, 1891 Language: Bulgarian The ex...
Title: Τό κοινωνικόν μας ζήτημα (Our social question) Original Published: Αθήνα, n.p., June 1907 Lan...
The article provides a transcription, translation, context, and commentary on two versions of a Gre...
Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a ...
The article presents the biography, writings and library of Antonio Malaspina, a Phokaian of Genoese...
Title: Към философията на българската история. Византинизмът в средновековна България (Towards the p...
ISBN 978-609-467-290-3 (internetinis). Recenzentai: dr. N. Maliukevičius (VU); dr. R. Matkevičienė (...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
This is a self-archived version of the author manuscript (post peer review). English title: Manuel ...
Tl1is work is an attempt to determine, in some preliminary fe,-shion at least, the extent to which A...
Title: Τῆς Μεγάλης αυτής Ἰδέας (Of this Great Idea) Originally published: Ιt was published in Ἠ τῆς ...
Title: Жива cтарина (Living antiquity) Originally published: Rousse, 1891 Language: Bulgarian The ex...
Title: Τό κοινωνικόν μας ζήτημα (Our social question) Original Published: Αθήνα, n.p., June 1907 Lan...
The article provides a transcription, translation, context, and commentary on two versions of a Gre...
Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a ...
The article presents the biography, writings and library of Antonio Malaspina, a Phokaian of Genoese...
Title: Към философията на българската история. Византинизмът в средновековна България (Towards the p...
ISBN 978-609-467-290-3 (internetinis). Recenzentai: dr. N. Maliukevičius (VU); dr. R. Matkevičienė (...