Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Letters), Alexandria, 1914. Language: Greek Τhe excerpts used are from Ionos Dragoumi, Έργα (Athina, 1917), pp. 231–235. About the author Ion Dragoumis (known also by his penname Idas) [1878, Athens–1920, Athens]: politician, diplomat, and writer. He was born to a prominent family; his father Stefanos was the head of the last government before Eleftherios Venizelos took over in 1910. His sister w..
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: ’Eλεύθερο Πνεῦμα (Free spirit) Originally Published: ’Aθήνα, ’Eκδότης Α I. Ράλλης, 1929 Langu...
Title: Λαμπριάτικος Ψάλτης (Easter chanter) Originally published: newspaper ’Aκρόπολις, 1893 Languag...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks)...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
The composition of translations of Classical texts in the nineteenth-century Greek state was a compl...
Details of book being reviewed: Bresson, A., Ivantchik, A., & Ferrary J-L. (Eds.). (2007). Unekoinè ...
Title page : Arethas of Caesareia / Socrates Kougeas ; edited with a preface in english of Phōtios ...
Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a ...
Details of book being reviewed: Grammenos, D. V., & Petropoulos, E. K. (Eds.). Ancient Greek Colonie...
[About the book] Hellenism is the living culture of the Greek-speaking peoples and has a continuing ...
Reprint. Originally published: Athēnai: Typ. Ch. N. Philadelpheōs, 1870-1876.Added spine title: Gr...
Reviews the book Hoi Hellenes eis ten Potamoploian toy kato Doynabeos (Greeks in Riverboating on the...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: ’Eλεύθερο Πνεῦμα (Free spirit) Originally Published: ’Aθήνα, ’Eκδότης Α I. Ράλλης, 1929 Langu...
Title: Λαμπριάτικος Ψάλτης (Easter chanter) Originally published: newspaper ’Aκρόπολις, 1893 Languag...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks)...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
The composition of translations of Classical texts in the nineteenth-century Greek state was a compl...
Details of book being reviewed: Bresson, A., Ivantchik, A., & Ferrary J-L. (Eds.). (2007). Unekoinè ...
Title page : Arethas of Caesareia / Socrates Kougeas ; edited with a preface in english of Phōtios ...
Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a ...
Details of book being reviewed: Grammenos, D. V., & Petropoulos, E. K. (Eds.). Ancient Greek Colonie...
[About the book] Hellenism is the living culture of the Greek-speaking peoples and has a continuing ...
Reprint. Originally published: Athēnai: Typ. Ch. N. Philadelpheōs, 1870-1876.Added spine title: Gr...
Reviews the book Hoi Hellenes eis ten Potamoploian toy kato Doynabeos (Greeks in Riverboating on the...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: ’Eλεύθερο Πνεῦμα (Free spirit) Originally Published: ’Aθήνα, ’Eκδότης Α I. Ράλλης, 1929 Langu...
Title: Λαμπριάτικος Ψάλτης (Easter chanter) Originally published: newspaper ’Aκρόπολις, 1893 Languag...