Title: Tó Δημoкρατιкó μαvιφέoτo (The republican manifesto) Originally published: in the newspapers ’Eλεύθερoς Tύπoς and Пατρίς, 12 February 1922 Language: GreekThe excerpts used are from ‘Aλέξανδρoυ Пαπανστασίoυ, Пoλιτιкά Кείμενα μελέτες-λóуoι-άρθρα (’Aθήνα: Mπάυoυ, 1976), pp. 297–299. About the author Alexandras Papanastasiou [1876, Tripoli (the Peloponnese) – 1936, Athens]: politician and political theorist. He studied law in Athens and political economy and philosophy in Berlin. There, he ..
Title: Зa мaкeдoнцкитe paбoти (On Macedonian matters) Originally published: Sofia, Печатница на „Либ...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: ‘O σoσιαλιστικός ὀργασμός δύo δεκαετιῶν (The socialist frenzy of two decades) Original publis...
Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a ...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Λόγος κατά τα εγκαίνια των έργων του Σελινούντος Αιγιαλείας (Speech on the occasion of the in...
Title: Τῆς Μεγάλης αυτής Ἰδέας (Of this Great Idea) Originally published: Ιt was published in Ἠ τῆς ...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
The origins of the U.S. Constitution are the source of endless debate. What did the founders intend ...
Title in Greek: Καταστατικά κείμενα του φοιτητικού συνδικαλισμού III. Bill of Right
Title: Wskazania polityczne (Political directives) Originally published: Ognisko: książka zbiorowa w...
Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks)...
Obra seleccionada para publicação pela Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações do Centenário da Repúb...
Title: Зa мaкeдoнцкитe paбoти (On Macedonian matters) Originally published: Sofia, Печатница на „Либ...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...
Title: Tό πoλιτικόν πρόγραμμα τοῦ Έλληνισμοῦ έν Tουρκία (The political program of Hellenism in Turke...
Title: ‘O σoσιαλιστικός ὀργασμός δύo δεκαετιῶν (The socialist frenzy of two decades) Original publis...
Title: Μάχου ὑπέρ πίστεως καὶ πατρίδος (Fight for Faith and Motherland!) Originally published: as a ...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
Title: Λόγος κατά τα εγκαίνια των έργων του Σελινούντος Αιγιαλείας (Speech on the occasion of the in...
Title: Τῆς Μεγάλης αυτής Ἰδέας (Of this Great Idea) Originally published: Ιt was published in Ἠ τῆς ...
Title: Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικού Ἔθνους ἀπό τῶν ἀρχαιοτάτων χρόνων µέχρι τῶν καθ’ ἡµάς (History of the H...
The origins of the U.S. Constitution are the source of endless debate. What did the founders intend ...
Title in Greek: Καταστατικά κείμενα του φοιτητικού συνδικαλισμού III. Bill of Right
Title: Wskazania polityczne (Political directives) Originally published: Ognisko: książka zbiorowa w...
Title: Μελέτη ἐπί τοῦ βίου τῶν νεοτέρων Ἑλλήνων (Study on the life of modern Greeks)...
Obra seleccionada para publicação pela Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações do Centenário da Repúb...
Title: Зa мaкeдoнцкитe paбoти (On Macedonian matters) Originally published: Sofia, Печатница на „Либ...
Title: Τό ταξίδι μου (My journey) Originally published: Αθήνα, n. p., 1888 Language: Greek The excer...
Title: Ελληνικός Πολιτισμός (Hellenic civilization) Originally published: In the review Γράμματα (Le...