Title: Ὕµνος εἰς τὴν Ἐλευθερίαν (Hymn to Liberty) Originally published: In the appendix to the second volume of Claude Fauriel’s Chants populaires de la Grèce Moderne (Paris: Didot, 1825). In the same year another version was published in Messolongi, together with an Italian translation. Language: Greek The modern critical edition is Dionysios Solomos, παντα, v. 1. Ποιήµατα (Athens: Ικαρος, 1979), p. 71. About the author Dionysios Solomos [1798, Zante (Gr. Zakynthos) – 1857, Corfu (Gr. Kerkyr..
Appendix: Hymn of Hildebert.--Laus Patriae coelestis.--The celestial country.--The hymn of Peter Dam...
Foreword by Franz Espagne in German dated Januar 1878.Added t.p. in Latin (Romae : Apud Iacobum Torn...
For voice and piano.; Cover title.; Includes works with Australian content.; Date approximated from ...
Dieu le veut!peuples de l\u27Italie,qu\u27un même et saint drapeau nous rallieet qu\u27un pacte à to...
First line of poem: Flag of the heroes who left us their glory.First line of text: Flag of the heroe...
Verso of t.p. reads: Providence Press Co., printers.Greek and what next? / by Arnold Green -- A Hymn...
strophicpiano and voiceDedicated to the People of the United StatesJohns Hopkins University, Levy Sh...
Titre uniforme : Lʹvov, Aleksej Fedorovič (1798-1870). Compositeur. [Bože, carâ hrani]Titre uniforme...
A call to Frenchmen to defend liberty and fight tyrants.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_uk/1713/...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
French construct of liberty and freedom and the battle requiredhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_u...
Réunit : "In festo utriusque Cathedrae S. Petri ad vesperas" (Quodcumque in orbe nexibus), p. [2] ; ...
Title: ’Eλεύθερο Πνεῦμα (Free spirit) Originally Published: ’Aθήνα, ’Eκδότης Α I. Ράλλης, 1929 Langu...
C. & Co. 2879 (Publisher number). For chorus (SA) and piano.; Caption title.; Cover title: Coronatio...
Appendix: Hymn of Hildebert.--Laus Patriae coelestis.--The celestial country.--The hymn of Peter Dam...
Appendix: Hymn of Hildebert.--Laus Patriae coelestis.--The celestial country.--The hymn of Peter Dam...
Foreword by Franz Espagne in German dated Januar 1878.Added t.p. in Latin (Romae : Apud Iacobum Torn...
For voice and piano.; Cover title.; Includes works with Australian content.; Date approximated from ...
Dieu le veut!peuples de l\u27Italie,qu\u27un même et saint drapeau nous rallieet qu\u27un pacte à to...
First line of poem: Flag of the heroes who left us their glory.First line of text: Flag of the heroe...
Verso of t.p. reads: Providence Press Co., printers.Greek and what next? / by Arnold Green -- A Hymn...
strophicpiano and voiceDedicated to the People of the United StatesJohns Hopkins University, Levy Sh...
Titre uniforme : Lʹvov, Aleksej Fedorovič (1798-1870). Compositeur. [Bože, carâ hrani]Titre uniforme...
A call to Frenchmen to defend liberty and fight tyrants.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_uk/1713/...
Title: Ἕνας Ἕλληνας - ὁ Μακρυγιάννης (Α Greek – Makriyannis) Originally published: As a leaflet in A...
French construct of liberty and freedom and the battle requiredhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_u...
Réunit : "In festo utriusque Cathedrae S. Petri ad vesperas" (Quodcumque in orbe nexibus), p. [2] ; ...
Title: ’Eλεύθερο Πνεῦμα (Free spirit) Originally Published: ’Aθήνα, ’Eκδότης Α I. Ράλλης, 1929 Langu...
C. & Co. 2879 (Publisher number). For chorus (SA) and piano.; Caption title.; Cover title: Coronatio...
Appendix: Hymn of Hildebert.--Laus Patriae coelestis.--The celestial country.--The hymn of Peter Dam...
Appendix: Hymn of Hildebert.--Laus Patriae coelestis.--The celestial country.--The hymn of Peter Dam...
Foreword by Franz Espagne in German dated Januar 1878.Added t.p. in Latin (Romae : Apud Iacobum Torn...
For voice and piano.; Cover title.; Includes works with Australian content.; Date approximated from ...