Verification of graft transmission of apple luteovirus 1 to apple seedlings by RT-PCR using primers AluDetF6/R6 (Additional file 1). Lanes M) 1 kb plus DNA ladder; 1–3) from PA13; 4–6) from PA14; 7–9) from PA18; 10–12) from PA21; 13) PA14; 14) water. Arrow indicate the DNA fragment with labeled size. (PPTX 157 kb
Table S3. Presence of 12-bp insertion among founders and old cultivars. (PDF 50 kb
List of four species and their genomic sequence and DNA material source information used in this stu...
Abstract A new single-stranded positive-sense RNAvirus, which shares the highest nucleotide (nt) seq...
Virus detection by RT-PCR in RAD-affected apple trees used for high-throughput sequencing. The four ...
Abstract Background ‘Rapid Apple Decline’ (RAD) is a newly emerging problem of young, dwarf apple tr...
Table S1. Primer sequences for candidate genes analyzed by real-time PCR. Table S2. Numbers of linka...
Table S2. Graphical illustration of genotypes showing recombination between Alt and flanking markers...
Table S1. Details of the bisulfite sequencing libraries generated in the study. Table S2. Effective ...
List of all gene models found within copy-number variable regions (CNVRs) in the apple genome. (XLSX...
Differentially expressed genes of E. amylovora 650 between bacterial culture in TY medium(650-bact) ...
Table S1. Statistics related to the quality and output of RNA-seq libraries. Table S2. Throughput an...
Figure S1. Pedigree of susceptible apple accessions used in this study. (PDF 50 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. Primers used for ASGV detection by RT-PCR, RT-qPCR and gene amplificati...
Figure S1. Evaluation of the relationships among five apple cultivars. Figure S2. Summary of sequenc...
List of resistance (R) gene models located within copy-number variable regions (CNVRs) in the apple ...
Table S3. Presence of 12-bp insertion among founders and old cultivars. (PDF 50 kb
List of four species and their genomic sequence and DNA material source information used in this stu...
Abstract A new single-stranded positive-sense RNAvirus, which shares the highest nucleotide (nt) seq...
Virus detection by RT-PCR in RAD-affected apple trees used for high-throughput sequencing. The four ...
Abstract Background ‘Rapid Apple Decline’ (RAD) is a newly emerging problem of young, dwarf apple tr...
Table S1. Primer sequences for candidate genes analyzed by real-time PCR. Table S2. Numbers of linka...
Table S2. Graphical illustration of genotypes showing recombination between Alt and flanking markers...
Table S1. Details of the bisulfite sequencing libraries generated in the study. Table S2. Effective ...
List of all gene models found within copy-number variable regions (CNVRs) in the apple genome. (XLSX...
Differentially expressed genes of E. amylovora 650 between bacterial culture in TY medium(650-bact) ...
Table S1. Statistics related to the quality and output of RNA-seq libraries. Table S2. Throughput an...
Figure S1. Pedigree of susceptible apple accessions used in this study. (PDF 50 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. Primers used for ASGV detection by RT-PCR, RT-qPCR and gene amplificati...
Figure S1. Evaluation of the relationships among five apple cultivars. Figure S2. Summary of sequenc...
List of resistance (R) gene models located within copy-number variable regions (CNVRs) in the apple ...
Table S3. Presence of 12-bp insertion among founders and old cultivars. (PDF 50 kb
List of four species and their genomic sequence and DNA material source information used in this stu...
Abstract A new single-stranded positive-sense RNAvirus, which shares the highest nucleotide (nt) seq...