1983年日本海中部地震津波の波源数値モデルによる数値実験を行い,波源の最適断層モデルを求めた.断層モデルは南北二つの部分から成り,南側断層は長さ40km,幅30km,傾斜角40°(東下がり),縦ずれ変位7.6m,北側断層は長さ60km,幅30km,傾斜角25°(東下がり),縦ずれ変位3.0m,左横ずれ変位0.54mの逆断層で,日本海沿岸10個所の検潮所の津波記録と相似な計算津波波形が得られた,この断層モデルによると,地震のモーメントマグニチュードは7.8,津波のエネルギーは4×10^<20>エルグと計算される.A very shallow earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7(JMA) occurred at 40.4°N and 139.1°E in the Japan Sea on May 26, 1983. The tsunami accompanying this earthquake hit the entire coast along the Japan Sea and inflicted serious damage including the loss of 100 human lives especially in Aomori and Akita prefectures and the southwestern part of Hokkaido. To examine the seismic fault model as the source of this tsunami, a numerical experiment was carried out on the basis of the shallow water e...