1983年2月27日21時14分頃,茨城県南部に発生した地震(M6.0,震源の深さ72km)について通信調査を実施し,また市区町村役場に依頼して被害資料を収集し,被害状況と震度の分布を調べた.震央付近で,壁の亀裂,瓦の落下等の家屋の被害,道路の亀裂,ガス管・水道管の破損等が所々に発生した.やや離れたところでも,東京都東部,千葉県西部の東京湾北部に沿う地域などに,窓ガラスの破損等,かなりの数の軽い被害が発生した.震度は震央付近で8(12階級震度階による)に達した.Slight damage were caused over a rather wide area following an earthquake of magnitude 6.0, depth 72km, on February 27, 1983, in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Questionnaire survey was carried out in order to search for damages and other phenomena following the earthquake, and to assess the seismic intensity. In addition, inquiry was made to local government offices concerning earthquake damage. Fall of roof tiles, crack of water and gas pipes, and especially cracks of window pan...