Modern power transistors are able to switch at very high transition speed, which can cause EMC violations and overshoot. This is addressed by a gate driver with variable gate current, which is able to control the transition speed. The key idea is that the gate driver can influence the di/dt and dv/dt transition separately and optimize whichever transition promises the highest improvement while keeping switching losses low. To account for changes in the load current, supply voltage, etc., a control loop is required in the driver to ensure optimized switching. In this paper, an efficient control scheme for an automotive gate driver with variable output current capability is presented. The effectiveness of the control loop is demonstrated for ...
Power converters, especially those exploiting fast-switching devices, suffer from ringing, which wor...
To overcome the limitations of existing gate drive topologies an improved gate drive concept is prop...
A novel gate driver design is proposed to improve the conversion efficiency of DC-DC converters. Con...
Modern power transistors are able to switch at very high transition speed, which can cause EMC viola...
There is a growing need for motor drives with improved EMC in various automotive and industrial appl...
Setting the values of the switching transients (dVCE/dt and dIC/dt) has become more and more importa...
This article covers the design of highly integrated gate drivers and level shifters for high-speed, ...
In the present time, electrical power conversion is performed more and more widely using fully-contr...
This paper presents a voltage-controlled multistage gate driver topology for delay time minimization...
The increase of the switching speed in power semiconductors leads to converters with better efficien...
A concept for a slope shaping gate driver IC is proposed, used to establish control over the slew ra...
Gate drivers form an essential interface between the high power transistors and low voltage control ...
In a digitally controlled slope shaping system, reliable detection of both voltage and current slope...
This paper proposes an optimized switching strategy (OSS) based on a silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET ga...
the Power Electronics Innovation Center (PEIC), Politecnico di Torino,ItalyActive Gate Drivers have ...
Power converters, especially those exploiting fast-switching devices, suffer from ringing, which wor...
To overcome the limitations of existing gate drive topologies an improved gate drive concept is prop...
A novel gate driver design is proposed to improve the conversion efficiency of DC-DC converters. Con...
Modern power transistors are able to switch at very high transition speed, which can cause EMC viola...
There is a growing need for motor drives with improved EMC in various automotive and industrial appl...
Setting the values of the switching transients (dVCE/dt and dIC/dt) has become more and more importa...
This article covers the design of highly integrated gate drivers and level shifters for high-speed, ...
In the present time, electrical power conversion is performed more and more widely using fully-contr...
This paper presents a voltage-controlled multistage gate driver topology for delay time minimization...
The increase of the switching speed in power semiconductors leads to converters with better efficien...
A concept for a slope shaping gate driver IC is proposed, used to establish control over the slew ra...
Gate drivers form an essential interface between the high power transistors and low voltage control ...
In a digitally controlled slope shaping system, reliable detection of both voltage and current slope...
This paper proposes an optimized switching strategy (OSS) based on a silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET ga...
the Power Electronics Innovation Center (PEIC), Politecnico di Torino,ItalyActive Gate Drivers have ...
Power converters, especially those exploiting fast-switching devices, suffer from ringing, which wor...
To overcome the limitations of existing gate drive topologies an improved gate drive concept is prop...
A novel gate driver design is proposed to improve the conversion efficiency of DC-DC converters. Con...