Setting the values of the switching transients (dVCE/dt and dIC/dt) has become more and more important especially for modern power semiconductor technologies, like insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) in the newest trench-/fieldstop technologies, Superjunction MOSFETs or silicon carbide (SiC). The extremely fast switching speeds of these devices have led to switching losses of almost close to zero, but has also complicated the control of voltage and current spikes or electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in switched applications like motor drives, switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) and power factor correction (PFC) stages. The focus of this work is on a new hardware concept for an active gate driver that is capable of flexible switchin...
The insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are widely used in various applications as they requi...
The trend in power electronic applications is to reach higher power density and higher efficiency. C...
Switching techniques have been continued to develop, including sinusoidal PWM, space vector PWM, cur...
A concept for a slope shaping gate driver IC is proposed, used to establish control over the slew ra...
The increase of the switching speed in power semiconductors leads to converters with better efficien...
In a digitally controlled slope shaping system, reliable detection of both voltage and current slope...
Modern power transistors are able to switch at very high transition speed, which can cause EMC viola...
There is a growing need for motor drives with improved EMC in various automotive and industrial appl...
Active Gate Drives (AGDs) tailor the signal applied to the gates of power metal-oxide-semiconductor ...
In the present time, electrical power conversion is performed more and more widely using fully-contr...
This paper presents a voltage-controlled multistage gate driver topology for delay time minimization...
Integrated switched-mode power supplies benefit from innovative digital control loop designs and imp...
Gate drivers form an essential interface between the high power transistors and low voltage control ...
A combined digital and analogue approach is introduced to establish a dynamic active voltage control...
This work introduces a novel gate driver for use with wide-bandgap devices in high-power, high-preci...
The insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are widely used in various applications as they requi...
The trend in power electronic applications is to reach higher power density and higher efficiency. C...
Switching techniques have been continued to develop, including sinusoidal PWM, space vector PWM, cur...
A concept for a slope shaping gate driver IC is proposed, used to establish control over the slew ra...
The increase of the switching speed in power semiconductors leads to converters with better efficien...
In a digitally controlled slope shaping system, reliable detection of both voltage and current slope...
Modern power transistors are able to switch at very high transition speed, which can cause EMC viola...
There is a growing need for motor drives with improved EMC in various automotive and industrial appl...
Active Gate Drives (AGDs) tailor the signal applied to the gates of power metal-oxide-semiconductor ...
In the present time, electrical power conversion is performed more and more widely using fully-contr...
This paper presents a voltage-controlled multistage gate driver topology for delay time minimization...
Integrated switched-mode power supplies benefit from innovative digital control loop designs and imp...
Gate drivers form an essential interface between the high power transistors and low voltage control ...
A combined digital and analogue approach is introduced to establish a dynamic active voltage control...
This work introduces a novel gate driver for use with wide-bandgap devices in high-power, high-preci...
The insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are widely used in various applications as they requi...
The trend in power electronic applications is to reach higher power density and higher efficiency. C...
Switching techniques have been continued to develop, including sinusoidal PWM, space vector PWM, cur...