Mongke Igobula is telling a story about a sacred spot in Sosol named o Jin ma wola (lit. The house of jin)
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Toji no'o Leso. Lanu tells about Toji and Leso, but it is not the Toji and...
Genre: Legend. Title: Ngange Kabe (Cawa Lai). The legend Ngange Kabe narrated by Bapak (Mr) Aloysius...
Genre: Myth. Title: Weta Naja (Siblings ['female and male']). Grandmother Lucia Ngole, kampong Ndeo,...
Lewi Bajuli and his brother Yulianus Bajuli are telling the legends of how some Pagu sacred spots we...
Genre: Legend. Title: Siga. Sosu Wakane (b. c. 1930) recorded sitting on the woga in front of his ho...
talking about "Si Pabu" and The King and Kemang Seed" (two folktales from Sarolangun) and daily conv...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Legend. Title: Pion pikariwu. Aloysius Sinde-Pima, then village chief of Desa Lidi, recorded ...
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Cele wae. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hila...
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Tao Bhali. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hil...
Genre: Myth. Title: Punga Hari (a grandmother, or great grandmother) tells the myth Wunu and Noa. Wu...
Zeisingzong Ranglong, a male speaker from the Barak Valley (currently living in Zuvichera village) t...
Genre: Oral history/adat. Title: Tomas Toda, kampong Nitung lea, tells about Watu Keso (Keso stone),...
Bstan 'dzin tells a folk tale named Gang zag rten. Gang zag rten was a holy man who married a herdsw...
This is a story about the origin place Faremkar the Farem's place. It is told by two elders from the...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Toji no'o Leso. Lanu tells about Toji and Leso, but it is not the Toji and...
Genre: Legend. Title: Ngange Kabe (Cawa Lai). The legend Ngange Kabe narrated by Bapak (Mr) Aloysius...
Genre: Myth. Title: Weta Naja (Siblings ['female and male']). Grandmother Lucia Ngole, kampong Ndeo,...
Lewi Bajuli and his brother Yulianus Bajuli are telling the legends of how some Pagu sacred spots we...
Genre: Legend. Title: Siga. Sosu Wakane (b. c. 1930) recorded sitting on the woga in front of his ho...
talking about "Si Pabu" and The King and Kemang Seed" (two folktales from Sarolangun) and daily conv...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Legend. Title: Pion pikariwu. Aloysius Sinde-Pima, then village chief of Desa Lidi, recorded ...
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Cele wae. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hila...
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Tao Bhali. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hil...
Genre: Myth. Title: Punga Hari (a grandmother, or great grandmother) tells the myth Wunu and Noa. Wu...
Zeisingzong Ranglong, a male speaker from the Barak Valley (currently living in Zuvichera village) t...
Genre: Oral history/adat. Title: Tomas Toda, kampong Nitung lea, tells about Watu Keso (Keso stone),...
Bstan 'dzin tells a folk tale named Gang zag rten. Gang zag rten was a holy man who married a herdsw...
This is a story about the origin place Faremkar the Farem's place. It is told by two elders from the...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Toji no'o Leso. Lanu tells about Toji and Leso, but it is not the Toji and...
Genre: Legend. Title: Ngange Kabe (Cawa Lai). The legend Ngange Kabe narrated by Bapak (Mr) Aloysius...
Genre: Myth. Title: Weta Naja (Siblings ['female and male']). Grandmother Lucia Ngole, kampong Ndeo,...