talking about "Si Pabu" and The King and Kemang Seed" (two folktales from Sarolangun) and daily conversatio
Lewi Bajuli and his brother Yulianus Bajuli are telling the legends of how some Pagu sacred spots we...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
a conversation in the evening talking about the famili tree of Dayak and event in the past tim
Genre: Legend. Title: Siga. Sosu Wakane (b. c. 1930) recorded sitting on the woga in front of his ho...
Genre: Folk tale/legend of origins. Title: Igo Enga. Palu'e folk tale/legend narrated by Paula Paji ...
1. Talking about 'Tantan Snake', 'Six Persons', and 'The Deep swamp' (folktales from Sarolangun). 2....
Genre: Folk tale. Title: Tala tobe dua. Palu'e folk tale narrated by Paula Paji (b. c. 1930s) in a r...
Genre: Legend/oral history. Title: Maria Methi (b. 1988) tells the life story of the local legendary...
ada dua cerita rakyat tentang monyet yang pintar dan tentang manusia menikah dengan raja ular direka...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Kaleopas Badiri is telling a history that some of Pagu people were actually coming from Sahu, a comm...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru2. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri, recorded...
Mongke Igobula is telling a story about a sacred spot in Sosol named o Jin ma wola (lit. The house o...
Keliopas Badiri is telling a stroy about a friendship between a turtle and a monkey
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru3. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940) from kampong Kaju Keri recor...
Lewi Bajuli and his brother Yulianus Bajuli are telling the legends of how some Pagu sacred spots we...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
a conversation in the evening talking about the famili tree of Dayak and event in the past tim
Genre: Legend. Title: Siga. Sosu Wakane (b. c. 1930) recorded sitting on the woga in front of his ho...
Genre: Folk tale/legend of origins. Title: Igo Enga. Palu'e folk tale/legend narrated by Paula Paji ...
1. Talking about 'Tantan Snake', 'Six Persons', and 'The Deep swamp' (folktales from Sarolangun). 2....
Genre: Folk tale. Title: Tala tobe dua. Palu'e folk tale narrated by Paula Paji (b. c. 1930s) in a r...
Genre: Legend/oral history. Title: Maria Methi (b. 1988) tells the life story of the local legendary...
ada dua cerita rakyat tentang monyet yang pintar dan tentang manusia menikah dengan raja ular direka...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Kaleopas Badiri is telling a history that some of Pagu people were actually coming from Sahu, a comm...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru2. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri, recorded...
Mongke Igobula is telling a story about a sacred spot in Sosol named o Jin ma wola (lit. The house o...
Keliopas Badiri is telling a stroy about a friendship between a turtle and a monkey
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru3. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940) from kampong Kaju Keri recor...
Lewi Bajuli and his brother Yulianus Bajuli are telling the legends of how some Pagu sacred spots we...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
a conversation in the evening talking about the famili tree of Dayak and event in the past tim