masked genome and shows greater variation than for the unmasked genome. The error bars show 95% confidence intervals calculated from the Fisher transformation as plus or minus two times the standard error.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Genomic DNA from animals shows contrasting strand bias in large and small subsequences"</p><p></p><p>BMC Genomics 2008;9():43-43.</p><p>Published online 25 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2267173.</p><p></p
The real TSSs in the hybrid genome. Although the lines have a common feature of a central peak, the ...
Nterquartile range of the ratio is [4.4, 72]. The x-axis is plotted using logs to base 10. The numbe...
Nd and T+ on the other. For comparison the median length of genes is 11622. (b) Distance between con...
masked genome and shows greater variation than for the unmasked genome. The error bars show 95% conf...
Me and b) the masked genome. For both subgraphs, each point is based on a sample of 4000 windows lyi...
b) the masked genome. For both subgraphs, each point is based on a sample of 4000 windows lying enti...
7 was used for this analysis and hence the average result may be slightly different from other analy...
N ~ 1152. The error bars show 95% confidence limits. This shows a strong peak near the segment bound...
Abstract Background For eukaryotes, there is almost no strand bias with regard to base composition, ...
100 bases. All boundaries in the genome were used in calculating the average. The thickness of the b...
S show 95% confidence ranges using Hettmansperger-Sheather's method. (a) shows the A+/T+ boundary an...
K bases downstream of this boundary and the lower blue line refers to genes whose TSS falls outside ...
Nome (1017 boundaries) b) The blue line shows the hybrid genome (4124 boundaries), that is the genom...
Igned by their TSS: for this line the x-axis gives the position relative to the TSS. Both lines show...
Nd of the intron) as used in [16]. The plot is restricted to genes of at least 10 k bases. a) ACGT-s...
The real TSSs in the hybrid genome. Although the lines have a common feature of a central peak, the ...
Nterquartile range of the ratio is [4.4, 72]. The x-axis is plotted using logs to base 10. The numbe...
Nd and T+ on the other. For comparison the median length of genes is 11622. (b) Distance between con...
masked genome and shows greater variation than for the unmasked genome. The error bars show 95% conf...
Me and b) the masked genome. For both subgraphs, each point is based on a sample of 4000 windows lyi...
b) the masked genome. For both subgraphs, each point is based on a sample of 4000 windows lying enti...
7 was used for this analysis and hence the average result may be slightly different from other analy...
N ~ 1152. The error bars show 95% confidence limits. This shows a strong peak near the segment bound...
Abstract Background For eukaryotes, there is almost no strand bias with regard to base composition, ...
100 bases. All boundaries in the genome were used in calculating the average. The thickness of the b...
S show 95% confidence ranges using Hettmansperger-Sheather's method. (a) shows the A+/T+ boundary an...
K bases downstream of this boundary and the lower blue line refers to genes whose TSS falls outside ...
Nome (1017 boundaries) b) The blue line shows the hybrid genome (4124 boundaries), that is the genom...
Igned by their TSS: for this line the x-axis gives the position relative to the TSS. Both lines show...
Nd of the intron) as used in [16]. The plot is restricted to genes of at least 10 k bases. a) ACGT-s...
The real TSSs in the hybrid genome. Although the lines have a common feature of a central peak, the ...
Nterquartile range of the ratio is [4.4, 72]. The x-axis is plotted using logs to base 10. The numbe...
Nd and T+ on the other. For comparison the median length of genes is 11622. (b) Distance between con...