As people who live in modern ages, technology occupies a great place in our lives. In the way how we relate to technology, we regard it as a means to an end. We use technology in the service of our needs. But we also blame technology for dissolving human relations and controlling our lives. My claim in this paper is that technology in itself cannot be hold responsible for this unwelcome scene alone. There is also the role of the way how we relate to technology. Therefore, we should question what technology is in itself regardless of its service. Heidegger in The Question Concerning Technology claims that technology cannot be understood instrumentally but as a mode of revealing. In this revealing the truth, in the sense of aletheia, happens....
The concept of Integrative Bioethics is the idea of an equal discussion between different ethical co...
U suvremenoj filozofiji uma, argument pojmljivosti obično se koristi protiv fizikalizma da bi se pod...
Human persons are characterised by a bodily structure, and not merely as a cluster of neurons or as ...
As people who live in modern ages, technology occupies a great place in our lives. In the way how we...
U našem konzumerističkom svijetu, naš se osjećaj za vrijednosti usredišnjuje oko posjedovanja novca ...
Evolution creates structures of increasing order and power; in this process the stronger prevail ove...
Konstruktivne su se metode i konstruktivnost intenzivno razmatrali u filozofiji znanosti. U matemati...
Advance directives are conceptualised as a means of increasing “patient autonomy”, as they enforce i...
U radu pokušavam primijeniti Frommov pojam spontanosti na Foucaultovu teoriju sustava represije. Ovo...
The paper aims to analyse conceptually the meaning of the term ‘autonomy’ and to examine critically ...
The paper analyses the role of Albert Schweitzer in the antinuclear movement during the 1950s and 19...
Globalna ekonomska kriza na početku trećeg tisućljeća otkrila je štetne posljedice za čitavo društvo...
Despite readily available facts and figures regarding human-caused natural degradation, a large port...
Donedavno, međunarodni trgovinski sporazumi nisu izazivali reakcije javnosti i smatrali su se nevažn...
Die große Idee, die Hegel in der Phänomenologie des Geistes vorstellt und entfaltet, liegt in der En...
The concept of Integrative Bioethics is the idea of an equal discussion between different ethical co...
U suvremenoj filozofiji uma, argument pojmljivosti obično se koristi protiv fizikalizma da bi se pod...
Human persons are characterised by a bodily structure, and not merely as a cluster of neurons or as ...
As people who live in modern ages, technology occupies a great place in our lives. In the way how we...
U našem konzumerističkom svijetu, naš se osjećaj za vrijednosti usredišnjuje oko posjedovanja novca ...
Evolution creates structures of increasing order and power; in this process the stronger prevail ove...
Konstruktivne su se metode i konstruktivnost intenzivno razmatrali u filozofiji znanosti. U matemati...
Advance directives are conceptualised as a means of increasing “patient autonomy”, as they enforce i...
U radu pokušavam primijeniti Frommov pojam spontanosti na Foucaultovu teoriju sustava represije. Ovo...
The paper aims to analyse conceptually the meaning of the term ‘autonomy’ and to examine critically ...
The paper analyses the role of Albert Schweitzer in the antinuclear movement during the 1950s and 19...
Globalna ekonomska kriza na početku trećeg tisućljeća otkrila je štetne posljedice za čitavo društvo...
Despite readily available facts and figures regarding human-caused natural degradation, a large port...
Donedavno, međunarodni trgovinski sporazumi nisu izazivali reakcije javnosti i smatrali su se nevažn...
Die große Idee, die Hegel in der Phänomenologie des Geistes vorstellt und entfaltet, liegt in der En...
The concept of Integrative Bioethics is the idea of an equal discussion between different ethical co...
U suvremenoj filozofiji uma, argument pojmljivosti obično se koristi protiv fizikalizma da bi se pod...
Human persons are characterised by a bodily structure, and not merely as a cluster of neurons or as ...