The concept of Integrative Bioethics is the idea of an equal discussion between different ethical concepts from different backgrounds. This concept is not only suitable for the specific situation in Southeast Europe. It can also be a basis to affect the ethical discourse in other parts of the world, either with a homogeneous historical background or within a very diverse ethical setting. With this essay I will try to point out the possibilities for the discussion of ethical problems in other parts of the world if the core idea of Integrative Bioethics is added to bioethical discussions. It seems to be a chance to find a way to deal with the differences between traditional and modern concepts of ethics.Koncept integrativne bioetike je ideja ...
U našem konzumerističkom svijetu, naš se osjećaj za vrijednosti usredišnjuje oko posjedovanja novca ...
Auch die Wirtschaft moderner Gesellschaften folgt nicht einfach einer ökonomischen Eigengesetzlichke...
Globalna ekonomska kriza na početku trećeg tisućljeća otkrila je štetne posljedice za čitavo društvo...
The essay demonstrates how bioethics can find an ethical dimension of its own and an original source...
When discussing the concept of life, there is neither a single concept of life, nor absolute consens...
Human persons are characterised by a bodily structure, and not merely as a cluster of neurons or as ...
Evolution creates structures of increasing order and power; in this process the stronger prevail ove...
The idea of sustainable development is being intensively extended with issues related to social part...
In this article I portray the marginality, exclusion and social immobility of young people living in...
Using an ethnographical approach, this paper examines the relationship between Charismatic prophecy ...
In this article the author tries to estimate chances for the borderland of Upper Silesia created by...
This article presents the frontispiece of the Leviathan, the emblem of the Body Politic, in new cont...
The paper analyses the role of Albert Schweitzer in the antinuclear movement during the 1950s and 19...
Advance directives are conceptualised as a means of increasing “patient autonomy”, as they enforce i...
Der Artikel rekonstruiert einen unausgesprochenen „aufklärerischen Common Sense“ der Ungleichheitsso...
U našem konzumerističkom svijetu, naš se osjećaj za vrijednosti usredišnjuje oko posjedovanja novca ...
Auch die Wirtschaft moderner Gesellschaften folgt nicht einfach einer ökonomischen Eigengesetzlichke...
Globalna ekonomska kriza na početku trećeg tisućljeća otkrila je štetne posljedice za čitavo društvo...
The essay demonstrates how bioethics can find an ethical dimension of its own and an original source...
When discussing the concept of life, there is neither a single concept of life, nor absolute consens...
Human persons are characterised by a bodily structure, and not merely as a cluster of neurons or as ...
Evolution creates structures of increasing order and power; in this process the stronger prevail ove...
The idea of sustainable development is being intensively extended with issues related to social part...
In this article I portray the marginality, exclusion and social immobility of young people living in...
Using an ethnographical approach, this paper examines the relationship between Charismatic prophecy ...
In this article the author tries to estimate chances for the borderland of Upper Silesia created by...
This article presents the frontispiece of the Leviathan, the emblem of the Body Politic, in new cont...
The paper analyses the role of Albert Schweitzer in the antinuclear movement during the 1950s and 19...
Advance directives are conceptualised as a means of increasing “patient autonomy”, as they enforce i...
Der Artikel rekonstruiert einen unausgesprochenen „aufklärerischen Common Sense“ der Ungleichheitsso...
U našem konzumerističkom svijetu, naš se osjećaj za vrijednosti usredišnjuje oko posjedovanja novca ...
Auch die Wirtschaft moderner Gesellschaften folgt nicht einfach einer ökonomischen Eigengesetzlichke...
Globalna ekonomska kriza na početku trećeg tisućljeća otkrila je štetne posljedice za čitavo društvo...