Temeljna okosnica ovoga rada su pragmatički i značenjski elementi frazema u intervjuima. Obrađeni korpus potječe iz hrvatskih i bosanskohercegovačkih tjednika. Istraživanje se odnosi na frazem u užem smislu s naglaskom na funkcije i semantička obilježja frazema u tekstu te modifikacije frazema. U radu se detaljno istražuje intervju kao zanimljiva kombinacija pisanog i govornog izraza.This paper deals with idioms in interviews, focusing on their pragmatic and semantic characteristics. The corpus was collected from weekly magazines published in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis of the corpus was based on the definition of idioms in the narrow sense, and we took a closer look at their functions and semantic characteristics in th...
Idiomi, poredbeni frazemi i izreke su važan dio svakog jezika, čine jezik bogatijim te su dobar izvo...
This thesis is focused on the analysis of phrasemes and idioms in Spanish and Czech journalistic tex...
Ve svém příspěvku se autor pokusil zamyslet nad didaktickými aspekty frazeologické teorie a frazeogr...
Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je analizirati frazeme koji se pojavljuju u novinarsko publicis...
An idiom is “a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from...
U ovome su radu predstavljeni frazemi rečenične strukture hrvatskoga standardnog jezika, koji su pri...
The paper is about the analysis of the use of idioms in Bosnian and Herzegovinian media language whe...
This bachelor's thesis deals with idioms which are currently used in Czech journalism. The work was ...
This work analyses phrasemes gathered through field research in three Čabar dialects: Tršće, Prezid,...
The paper reexamines the definition of idioms taking into consideration some phraseological elements...
Praca licencjacka zajmuje się frazeologią. Jej celem jest analiza frazeologizmów pojawiających się w...
Mērķtiecīgs un efektīvs valodas lietojums biznesu avīzēs ļauj autoram pārliecināt lasītājus pieņemt ...
Bakalaura darbs pēta idiomas lietišķajā sanāksmju diskursā. Teorētiskais ietvars ir par diskursa teo...
Šīs bakalaura darbs sniedz padziļinātu analīzi par idiomām rakstos par tirgvedību. Lai veiktu pētīju...
Švedska frazeologija nije dovoljno istražena, što je vidljivo u maloj količini radova na tu temu u ...
Idiomi, poredbeni frazemi i izreke su važan dio svakog jezika, čine jezik bogatijim te su dobar izvo...
This thesis is focused on the analysis of phrasemes and idioms in Spanish and Czech journalistic tex...
Ve svém příspěvku se autor pokusil zamyslet nad didaktickými aspekty frazeologické teorie a frazeogr...
Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je analizirati frazeme koji se pojavljuju u novinarsko publicis...
An idiom is “a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from...
U ovome su radu predstavljeni frazemi rečenične strukture hrvatskoga standardnog jezika, koji su pri...
The paper is about the analysis of the use of idioms in Bosnian and Herzegovinian media language whe...
This bachelor's thesis deals with idioms which are currently used in Czech journalism. The work was ...
This work analyses phrasemes gathered through field research in three Čabar dialects: Tršće, Prezid,...
The paper reexamines the definition of idioms taking into consideration some phraseological elements...
Praca licencjacka zajmuje się frazeologią. Jej celem jest analiza frazeologizmów pojawiających się w...
Mērķtiecīgs un efektīvs valodas lietojums biznesu avīzēs ļauj autoram pārliecināt lasītājus pieņemt ...
Bakalaura darbs pēta idiomas lietišķajā sanāksmju diskursā. Teorētiskais ietvars ir par diskursa teo...
Šīs bakalaura darbs sniedz padziļinātu analīzi par idiomām rakstos par tirgvedību. Lai veiktu pētīju...
Švedska frazeologija nije dovoljno istražena, što je vidljivo u maloj količini radova na tu temu u ...
Idiomi, poredbeni frazemi i izreke su važan dio svakog jezika, čine jezik bogatijim te su dobar izvo...
This thesis is focused on the analysis of phrasemes and idioms in Spanish and Czech journalistic tex...
Ve svém příspěvku se autor pokusil zamyslet nad didaktickými aspekty frazeologické teorie a frazeogr...