Increased urbanisation together with the rapid increase of consumption continues to draw attention to the sustainability of urban environments which are developed according to requirements of human well-being. Development of living environments at the pace of increasing urbanisation, where value is created in the form of good life quality and sustainability, is undoubtedly a challenging task for governments and municipalities. Creating human well-being through sustainable urban development sets high requirements on the process between public and private, which is commonly seen as highly complex due to multiple actors involved. The aim of this research was to create a better understanding of the challenges in mutual target setting and sh...
Human behaviour is scientifically proven pivotal to the Earth system. This study delves into the int...
Taiteen maisterin lopputyö ”Suunnittelijana vastuullisilla markkinoilla” käsittelee suunnittelijan r...
Diplomityöni pohjautuu Vantaan kaupungin ja Suomen Asuntomessujen yhteistyössä Aalto-yliopiston kans...
Kehitysmaiden nopea kaupungistuminen ja miljoonakaupunkien voimakas kasvu luovat haasteita kestävään...
Sustainable development is a global megatrend. The built environment contributes significantly to al...
Sustainable urban development presents a great opportunity to mitigate climate change as urban areas...
Cities are increasingly profiling themselves as active agents within the transition towards sustaina...
One of the biggest challenges that the cities of the 21st century face is how they can find solution...
The ambition level of sustainability targets is increasing, and governments all around the world are...
Human actions in the past centuries, along with global population growth and urbanization, have caus...
Climate change and global warming has brought new challenges to urban development worldwide. It que...
Yksi kaupunkien keskeisimmistä kestävän kehityksen kysymyksistä on kestävä liikkuminen, ja yksi esil...
It has been widely recognised that cities and particularly the built environment have a major role i...
Cities try to create economic growth and now urgently meet the sustainable development goals. This u...
An interest in environmentally friendly construction has increased in the 21 st century and companie...
Human behaviour is scientifically proven pivotal to the Earth system. This study delves into the int...
Taiteen maisterin lopputyö ”Suunnittelijana vastuullisilla markkinoilla” käsittelee suunnittelijan r...
Diplomityöni pohjautuu Vantaan kaupungin ja Suomen Asuntomessujen yhteistyössä Aalto-yliopiston kans...
Kehitysmaiden nopea kaupungistuminen ja miljoonakaupunkien voimakas kasvu luovat haasteita kestävään...
Sustainable development is a global megatrend. The built environment contributes significantly to al...
Sustainable urban development presents a great opportunity to mitigate climate change as urban areas...
Cities are increasingly profiling themselves as active agents within the transition towards sustaina...
One of the biggest challenges that the cities of the 21st century face is how they can find solution...
The ambition level of sustainability targets is increasing, and governments all around the world are...
Human actions in the past centuries, along with global population growth and urbanization, have caus...
Climate change and global warming has brought new challenges to urban development worldwide. It que...
Yksi kaupunkien keskeisimmistä kestävän kehityksen kysymyksistä on kestävä liikkuminen, ja yksi esil...
It has been widely recognised that cities and particularly the built environment have a major role i...
Cities try to create economic growth and now urgently meet the sustainable development goals. This u...
An interest in environmentally friendly construction has increased in the 21 st century and companie...
Human behaviour is scientifically proven pivotal to the Earth system. This study delves into the int...
Taiteen maisterin lopputyö ”Suunnittelijana vastuullisilla markkinoilla” käsittelee suunnittelijan r...
Diplomityöni pohjautuu Vantaan kaupungin ja Suomen Asuntomessujen yhteistyössä Aalto-yliopiston kans...