L'os és un teixit connectiu altament organitzat i especialitzat, la funció principal és la mecànica, proporcionant l'afecció als músculs i per tant permetent que el cos es mogui. Actualment, el tractament quirúrgic estàndard es basa en la immobilització i la introducció d'empelts ossis però presenta algunes complicacions, com ara les infeccions, les no unions i la morbiditat de la zona donant. Avui en dia, milions de pacients pateixen defectes ossis i en concret, als EEUU es diagnostiquen entre 10.000 i 20.000 nous casos d'osteonecrosi del cap de fèmur (ONFH) a l'any. La medicina regenerativa (RM) i l'enginyeria tissular (TE) són dos camps de la ciència que es centren en el desenvolupament de teràpies per reemplaçar i regenerar els teixits ...
Apesar do grande potencial de regeneração do tecido ósseo, em algumas situações a extensão da lesão ...
Bone is a very active and dynamic tissue that is constantly remodelled in response to mechanical str...
Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la ingeniería tisular a nivel del área bucomaxilofacial...
L'os és un teixit connectiu altament organitzat i especialitzat, la funció principal és la mecànica,...
Bone is a highly organised and specialised connective tissue that provides a rigid, protective and ...
Tissue engineering and its clinical application, regenerative medicine, are instructing multiple app...
Currently, well established clinical therapeutic approaches for bone reconstruction are restricted t...
This PhD-research was focused on the development and evaluation of innovative scaffold-based bone ti...
Laborator Inginerie tisulară şi culturi celulare, catedra Chirurgie operatorie şi anatomie topografi...
La patología que afecta al tejido óseo puede generar defectos irreversibles que no son capaces de re...
Introducción: La osteonecrosis de la cabeza femoral (ONCF) afecta principalmente a pacientes jóvenes...
Surgical treatment of major traumatic pathologies, in which there are critical-size bone defects, in...
Designing biomaterials for bone-substitute applications is still a challenge regarding the natural c...
Bone repair was addressed in a critical-sized defect model in sheep, combining a ceramic biomaterial...
The work focused on bone regeneration, membranes and implant surfaces in dentistry. Starting from a...
Apesar do grande potencial de regeneração do tecido ósseo, em algumas situações a extensão da lesão ...
Bone is a very active and dynamic tissue that is constantly remodelled in response to mechanical str...
Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la ingeniería tisular a nivel del área bucomaxilofacial...
L'os és un teixit connectiu altament organitzat i especialitzat, la funció principal és la mecànica,...
Bone is a highly organised and specialised connective tissue that provides a rigid, protective and ...
Tissue engineering and its clinical application, regenerative medicine, are instructing multiple app...
Currently, well established clinical therapeutic approaches for bone reconstruction are restricted t...
This PhD-research was focused on the development and evaluation of innovative scaffold-based bone ti...
Laborator Inginerie tisulară şi culturi celulare, catedra Chirurgie operatorie şi anatomie topografi...
La patología que afecta al tejido óseo puede generar defectos irreversibles que no son capaces de re...
Introducción: La osteonecrosis de la cabeza femoral (ONCF) afecta principalmente a pacientes jóvenes...
Surgical treatment of major traumatic pathologies, in which there are critical-size bone defects, in...
Designing biomaterials for bone-substitute applications is still a challenge regarding the natural c...
Bone repair was addressed in a critical-sized defect model in sheep, combining a ceramic biomaterial...
The work focused on bone regeneration, membranes and implant surfaces in dentistry. Starting from a...
Apesar do grande potencial de regeneração do tecido ósseo, em algumas situações a extensão da lesão ...
Bone is a very active and dynamic tissue that is constantly remodelled in response to mechanical str...
Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la ingeniería tisular a nivel del área bucomaxilofacial...