Laborator Inginerie tisulară şi culturi celulare, catedra Chirurgie operatorie şi anatomie topografică USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Biological methods for bone regeneration are needed to reverse bone loss caused by diverse agents. Regenerative therapies could use traditional autogenous, allogenous bone grafting or composite grafts including resorbable 3D scaffolds and differentiated or no differentiated cells. As cells grafts could be: autogenous bone marrow cells or allogenous cord blood stem cells. Also gene expression systems will be combined with cells seeded in precise three-dimensional configurations on synthetic scaffolds to control both temporal and spatial distribution of regenerative factors. The natural processes of bone formation a...
Apesar do grande potencial de regeneração do tecido ósseo, em algumas situações a extensão da lesão ...
Millions of bone fractures occur annually worldwide and the consequent bone repair process is comple...
Ubytki w kościach powstają na skutek urazów, braku aktywności fizycznej czy przewlekłych chorób. Kon...
O tecido ósseo possui potencial regenerativo e capacidade em restaurar completamente sua estrutura e...
L'os és un teixit connectiu altament organitzat i especialitzat, la funció principal és la mecànica,...
Skeletal reconstruction is a common challenge faced by orthopedic, dental, and maxillofacial surgeon...
Bone is a highly organised and specialised connective tissue that provides a rigid, protective and ...
Diversas pesquisas têm direcionado esforços na busca de biomateriais que fossem capazes de melhorar ...
Bone defects, including normal fracture healing as well as healing problems represent a global healt...
Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la ingeniería tisular a nivel del área bucomaxilofacial...
The healing potential of bone is sufficient to restore simple fractures, which are generally treated...
Catedra de Histologie USMF “N. Testemiţanu”The main goal of this study was to histologically evaluat...
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction...
Catedra Chirurgie Generală - Semiologie)Current paper represents review of literature concerning pos...
Over the years, tissue engineering has been consistently advancing with the prospects of new therapi...
Apesar do grande potencial de regeneração do tecido ósseo, em algumas situações a extensão da lesão ...
Millions of bone fractures occur annually worldwide and the consequent bone repair process is comple...
Ubytki w kościach powstają na skutek urazów, braku aktywności fizycznej czy przewlekłych chorób. Kon...
O tecido ósseo possui potencial regenerativo e capacidade em restaurar completamente sua estrutura e...
L'os és un teixit connectiu altament organitzat i especialitzat, la funció principal és la mecànica,...
Skeletal reconstruction is a common challenge faced by orthopedic, dental, and maxillofacial surgeon...
Bone is a highly organised and specialised connective tissue that provides a rigid, protective and ...
Diversas pesquisas têm direcionado esforços na busca de biomateriais que fossem capazes de melhorar ...
Bone defects, including normal fracture healing as well as healing problems represent a global healt...
Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la ingeniería tisular a nivel del área bucomaxilofacial...
The healing potential of bone is sufficient to restore simple fractures, which are generally treated...
Catedra de Histologie USMF “N. Testemiţanu”The main goal of this study was to histologically evaluat...
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction...
Catedra Chirurgie Generală - Semiologie)Current paper represents review of literature concerning pos...
Over the years, tissue engineering has been consistently advancing with the prospects of new therapi...
Apesar do grande potencial de regeneração do tecido ósseo, em algumas situações a extensão da lesão ...
Millions of bone fractures occur annually worldwide and the consequent bone repair process is comple...
Ubytki w kościach powstają na skutek urazów, braku aktywności fizycznej czy przewlekłych chorób. Kon...