前回に続いて,創作作文の実験的な指導を試みた。今回は,物語教材との関連をとりあげた。物語教材のもつ文章展開などを借用すると,意外に豊かな発想と叙述とをすると考えられる。つまり,敷衍して書く,省筆された場面を加筆する,続き話を書くといった方法をとると,いくつもの場面にわたって書く材料がそろい,それらが集まって誠に生き生きとしたお話に仕上がっていく。その結果,「」や地の文の役割を考えながらお話を創作していくことが判明した。Creative writing using a instructional medium of story proves to be an effective way to teach children story-making;after reading the story they make story with consciously or unconsciously using what they learnt in it.They write a story in a free and easy style,relatively longer,because they have something in prospect,the story which they should follow.This kind of creative writing leads children to express themselves and they try to use some phrases which they learnt in the textbook.Creative writing is one of the best way of teachi...
This article is based on a research study Aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the teaching-lea...
According to the 1994 curriculum, Reading is put as the primary language skill that should be learn...
Abstract This research entititled “Teaching Writing Narrative Text Through Story Map to the Eighth G...
This study aims to explore the teacher’s perception of teaching writing to young learners using stor...
研究成果の概要(和文):小学校入学を機に文字の系統的な学習が開始される。多くの幼児が文字に関心を持ち、ひら がなを書けるようになっているが、その書き方の多くは自己流であるため、小学校での書字学習に支障...
Bu araştırma, ilkokul dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin öykü yazma becerilerini geliştirmek için öykü ya...
Keyword: Writing, Narrative text, Fairy tale The final project is about the teaching narrative te...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tématem využívání příběhů ve výuce anglického jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ....
Bakalaura darbā pētīta stāstu izmantošana valodas stundās sākumskolā. Darba teorētiskajā daļā sniegt...
Purpose of study:The objectives of the study are: (1) To know using Storyboard That is effective to ...
The purpose of this research was to find out whether the use of story mapping technique effective to...
This article is based on a research study Aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the teaching-lea...
According to the 1994 curriculum, Reading is put as the primary language skill that should be learn...
Abstract This research entititled “Teaching Writing Narrative Text Through Story Map to the Eighth G...
This study aims to explore the teacher’s perception of teaching writing to young learners using stor...
研究成果の概要(和文):小学校入学を機に文字の系統的な学習が開始される。多くの幼児が文字に関心を持ち、ひら がなを書けるようになっているが、その書き方の多くは自己流であるため、小学校での書字学習に支障...
Bu araştırma, ilkokul dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin öykü yazma becerilerini geliştirmek için öykü ya...
Keyword: Writing, Narrative text, Fairy tale The final project is about the teaching narrative te...
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tématem využívání příběhů ve výuce anglického jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ....
Bakalaura darbā pētīta stāstu izmantošana valodas stundās sākumskolā. Darba teorētiskajā daļā sniegt...
Purpose of study:The objectives of the study are: (1) To know using Storyboard That is effective to ...
The purpose of this research was to find out whether the use of story mapping technique effective to...
This article is based on a research study Aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the teaching-lea...
According to the 1994 curriculum, Reading is put as the primary language skill that should be learn...
Abstract This research entititled “Teaching Writing Narrative Text Through Story Map to the Eighth G...