Closely allied to Therates Wallacei Thoms. ¹) and found in the same locality. It may perhaps prove to be only a variety of that species. Thorax blue; elytra green with the whole base and the apex yellow, the sutural spines are even shorter, and the legs are entirely testaceous with the exception of the tarsi of the anterior pair and the apical joints of those of the middle and hind legs. — Length 12 mm
Obscure bluish aeneous below. Antennae black. Head and thorax rufous. Elytra greenish blue, finely p...
A new genus Sundageophilus is here described for two new species of geophilid centipedes (Chilopoda:...
Nigra, nitida, prothoracis lateribus elytrisque testaceis, glabris. — Long, millim. Hab. East Sumatr...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the r...
Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish b...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
When arranging a part of the Carabidae collection of the Leiden Museum, I noted that the specimens l...
Allied to Aul. Doriae Bedel and resembling that species, but at once distinguished by the number of ...
A second, third and fourth consignment of insects, sent by Mr. J. D. Pasteur to the Leyden Museum, h...
Some days ago I received from Mr. J. D. Pasteur of Padang Sidempoean (res. Tapanoeli, Western Sumatr...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Obscure bluish aeneous below. Antennae black. Head and thorax rufous. Elytra greenish blue, finely p...
A new genus Sundageophilus is here described for two new species of geophilid centipedes (Chilopoda:...
Nigra, nitida, prothoracis lateribus elytrisque testaceis, glabris. — Long, millim. Hab. East Sumatr...
Black below. Fulvous above. Thorax with two rows of punctures. Elytra strongly punctate-striate, ful...
A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its bicoloured legs (yellow and pitchy) and by the r...
Length 20 mm., width of the shoulders of the elytra 10,5 mm. — Coppery bronze; above dull greenish b...
The Sumatran specimens before me, belong with one exception to the var. a. of Lacordaire, in which t...
Nigrum, nitidissimum, antennis, clava excepta, femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque rufo-piceis, oculis...
Oblong, subquadrate, testaceous. Apical joints of the antennae and the abdomen, black. Elytra strong...
Length (the rostrum included) 14½ mm. — Black; very densely covered all over (with the exception how...
When arranging a part of the Carabidae collection of the Leiden Museum, I noted that the specimens l...
Allied to Aul. Doriae Bedel and resembling that species, but at once distinguished by the number of ...
A second, third and fourth consignment of insects, sent by Mr. J. D. Pasteur to the Leyden Museum, h...
Some days ago I received from Mr. J. D. Pasteur of Padang Sidempoean (res. Tapanoeli, Western Sumatr...
Niger, flavo-setulosus, capite antice rotundato, medio carinula transversa, postice carina tridentat...
Obscure bluish aeneous below. Antennae black. Head and thorax rufous. Elytra greenish blue, finely p...
A new genus Sundageophilus is here described for two new species of geophilid centipedes (Chilopoda:...
Nigra, nitida, prothoracis lateribus elytrisque testaceis, glabris. — Long, millim. Hab. East Sumatr...